Autumn Olive
Autumn Olive
- Autumn Olive is an ornamental shrub that is also great for wildlife and widbreaks. The leaves are 3-inches long and lance-shaped, creating a full and healthy appearance throughout the summer. Its bark is grey, but almost every other part of it is graced with silvery flakes. You’ll soon see that the silver effect is quite stunning, especially when its shimmering brilliance is captured by the morning sun. Leafing out very early in the year is followed by tiny yellow flowers with a cloyingly sweet aroma, In the fall they produce 1/2- 3/4” inch berries. Your Autumn Olive’s berries aren’t just for the wildlife. They are a delicious sweet-tart treat rich in vitamins. When underipe they have a tart flavor best for jams and jellies. As fall progresses they soften and sweeten They are about 15 times higher in lycopene than tomatoes, which have been shown to promote prostrate health. Autumn Olive is a multi-stemmed, branching shrub that grows to about 8 feet tall. It thrives in the sun but will tolerate shade and almost any soil conditions.